North American Executive Issue 101 2024 | Page 114

Ferroglobe ’ s operations are guided by the principle of constant evolution and innovation . “ We ’ re currently working on the development of a new silicon-dominant anode technology using advanced micrometer silicon ,” Marco reveals . “ We expect to start commercialization of the process at the end of this decade , with plans ongoing to supply the anode material directly to the battery cell producer .
“ In terms of energy , we are aware of the importance of guaranteeing the future sustainability of our plants . We have recently signed a long-term Power Purchase Agreement ( PPA ) for the supply of renewable energy to our production plants to reduce not only our own carbon footprint , but also the credentials of the final product .”
Turning to the future , Marco reflects : “ Industries around the globe have battled the challenges of the pandemic , global
conflict , and volatile energy prices over the last few years , and such uncertainty is likely to continue into 2024 . At Ferroglobe , we launched a transformation plan in 2020 to improve our overall efficiency , increase productivity , and reduce costs .
Overall , Ferroglobe ’ s main ambition is to lead the silicon metal and alloysbased production in the western world and strive for our economic activity to positively contribute to building a more sustainable world for the future
The strategic partner for silicon , ferro-silicon & ferroalloy producers . Best low-ash carbon products : Sized-Coal , biocoal , metcoke & biomass .


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