North American Executive Issue 101 2024 | Page 24


Unlocking success

Skillsets that make people thrive in the workplace
By Yevgeny Senderov

In today ’ s dynamic and ever-evolving work environment , skills are a form of currency - the more you have , the more value you are holding in your hands . Just as a diversified investment portfolio hedges against financial risks , a diversified skillset hedges against a potential career stagnation . Falling behind in skills and failing to adapt to the ever-changing landscape can leave a career stuck in a standstill , limiting the prospects for advancement and income growth .

The good news is , that in today ’ s constantly changing work environment , success is not solely determined by traditional qualifications or static skillsets . Instead , it is shaped by a combination of adaptable qualities and traits that anyone , despite their career choice , can develop , when combined with a dedication to personal growth .
Adaptability and willingness to learn
Irrespective of occupation , the ability to promptly adapt and react to diverse circumstances , swiftly adjusting to the workflow to the ever-changing environment , is an important skill to have ; this trait transcends age , experience , and industry . Adaptability ranks among the top five qualities sought by most employers . Those who grasp this concept and maintain an open , flexible , and adaptable mindset are better equipped to thrive in their careers ( and personal lives , too !).