North American Executive Issue 101 2024 | Page 27

emotional intelligence can identify not only emotions of people around them and can ‘ put themselves in others ’ shoes ,’ but also simply really understand the logic of the point the other side is trying to convey . EQ begins with ‘ effective listening ’ and involves comprehending people ’ s strengths and weaknesses , understanding their motivations , and communicating with empathy and authenticity .
Emotional intelligence enables leaders to inspire and guide their teams , fostering a positive work environment that thrives on collaboration and mutual respect , and equips employees with enhanced communication , conflict resolution , and problem-solving abilities .
Practical skills and languages
Over the past decades our world has become more interdependent . Thanks to new technological advancements , we are now able to connect and work in close contact with people all over the world , which is why in today ’ s increasingly quantitative world , practical skills have become indispensable . Speaking an additional language ( or two , or three ...) can help anyone get ahead in their career . Cultivating multilingual proficiency acts as a potent catalyst for elevating career horizons , improving chances of doing business or finding work internationally .
For instance , a professional working for a multinational corporation may find themselves managing a market in South America or Asia due to their language proficiency . In a world
where communication knows no borders , practical skills like these can open doors to exciting opportunities and career growth .
In conclusion , the path to success in today ’ s dynamic work environment is paved with commitment to growth . Adaptability , organization , emotional intelligence , and a dedication to continuous learning are the key skillsets that set successful individuals apart . Success is no longer defined by what you know but by your willingness to learn , grow , and evolve with the ever-changing world . ■
For a list of the sources used in this article , please contact the editor .
Yevgeny Senderov www . dyninno . com / en
Yevgeny Senderov is CEO at Dyninno Group of Companies , a group of companies providing products and services in the travel , finance , entertainment , and technology sectors in 50 + countries . It was founded in 2004 in San Francisco by Alex Weinstein . Today , over 5,000 professionals work in the company around the world .
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