North American Executive Issue 101 2024 | Page 38

So , with acquisition costs on the rise and consumer spending down , it ’ s no surprise the majority of today ’ s D2C brands are now looking for ways to reduce their acquisition costs and instead grow organically . But how can they do this ?
Focus on building a community
The rapid spread of misinformation , privacy concerns over data use and the deluge of branded content we are subjected to on a daily basis has led to a feeling of mistrust in brands . That ’ s why according to HubSpot , 81 percent of consumers now trust recommendations from their friends and family members before making a purchase .
And so instead of throwing money at expensive advertising campaigns , the key to growth for brands will be turning their own community of people ( most notably their customers ) into an army of supporters capable of promoting their favorite brands to their own networks .
But how can brands do this ? It ’ s all about creating bespoke referral programs , loyalty initiatives , and exclusive reward schemes to motivate their community to share their positive brand experiences with their family and friends .