North American Executive Issue 101 2024 | Page 47

reinvested locally . We stepped outside of our usual way of thinking , not just focusing on our company , and thereby freeing ourselves up for new opportunities . We asked , “ What could we do for the local economy ?”
A mint farmer answered our question by inviting us to invest in his mint crop . We took a tour of the farm , savoring organic mint on one of the few organic mint farms in the world , now precarious . We developed a recipe for mint chocolate milkshakes , which , according to the farmer himself , kept his farm afloat during the pandemic . He dedicated product to us , so that we had little of the supply chain issues that plagued many businesses . By freeing ourselves to step outside the city , putting forward service to the community , we experienced tremendous mutual benefit , good for business and good for our world .
How you define yourself is what you ’ re limited to . Here ’ s a way to change that . Set the phone ’ s timer for one minute . Now practice stepping back from how you see yourself in your leadership role . Let go of your track record . There ’ s a sense of a larger space now , where you are outside the city . Continue this practice to design your business approach anew , developing freedom and stewardship to meet the myriad challenges of a complex world . ■
Jill Taylor www . thehupersonproject . com
Jill Taylor , ( RN , MN ) is co-founder and CEO of three businesses , and has devoted her career to fostering unique methods of transformation for individuals , teams and companies . She cofounded The Taylor Group with her mother , Carolyn Taylor , at the forefront of wellness and leadership , helping clients understand the nature of the changes confronting them and how to become new inside those changes . Then as CEO of Burgerville , Jill helped the company navigate Covid with strategic flexibility while strengthening local economies by working with local farmers to the benefit of all . Together with Shelly Cooper and Daniel Goodenough , in 2023 , Jill co-founded the HuPerson Project to transform a leader ’ s awareness and presence , and to open a new structure of thinking needed to navigate the world emerging .
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