North American Executive Issue 101 2024 | Page 66

Cover Story ________________________________________
____ often don ’ t forecast properly , and if we can ship out product they need straight away , it sets us apart , it makes their lives easier and it makes us shine .”
While this approach does require extremely high levels of planning and forethought , the business is also flexible enough to make quick decisions should opportunities arise . Jeff ’ s approach to company expansion is discussed in a book he has written ( details at the end of the article ) – he no longer does three- or fiveyear plans , as he strongly believes the Lord presents opportunities when the time is right , and the business is always poised to act as and when necessary . Jeff notes that this was the approach taken when Buckman ’ s Ski & Snowboard Shops acquired www . skis . com . “ We didn ’ t know it was available , but when we found it was , we made an offer , they made a counteroffer , and boom , it was done in around two weeks .”
Eye for innovation
Alongside this attitude to acquisition , Buckman ’ s Ski & Snowboard Shops also continually develops its skiwear product range , always with the end user in mind . “ We ’ ve launched an accessory line that continues to grow , under the brand name Winter ’ s Edge . We found that in the ski industry , people go away for short trips and forget items like gloves . But local shops might be charging $ 125 dollars for high end ski gloves , and they are only looking for mid-range basics . So , our range is medium-priced , with $ 39 gloves , and $ 55 pants . We ’ ve found that it ’ s been well received and is breaking new ground for us , because we ’ re now selling to ski areas and ski shops , not just our own outlets .
“ Furthermore , we have found that sporting goods stores , and agricultural and hardware stores have caught on to these products , and we see demand growing there . Right now , we ’ re being featured in 60 stores , and have a test going on over the winter with three companies to see how the products sell .
These three companies represent over 800 stores , so if the test goes well , our products could be found in all of those in 2024-25 ! We ’ ll hang on for the ride and see where that goes .”
It ’ s clear the Buckman ’ s Ski & Snowboard Shop team has its finger on the pulse of what customers are looking for – another range of recent product innovations from the brand is aimed at the skiwear rental market , but tractor and supply stores are looking at them , too . “ We went to the rental world and asked them what their issues were with rental clothing , and we created a product range designed to solve their problems . Rental outerwear needs to be robust ; it is not going to be treated with respect , it is going to be washed a lot , and it must be easy to wear , comfortable , and long lasting .”