North American Executive Issue 101 2024 | Page 81

“ Blue fuels refer to technology that utilizes proven methods for producing hydrogen and ammonia , with natural gas as the primary feedstock . Natural gas is abundantly available and costeffective , especially in the US . To achieve the ‘ blue ’ designation , the production of ammonia and hydrogen incorporates carbon capture and underground storage ( CCUS ) techniques . With today ’ s advanced technology , we can use large-scale plants that can capture and sequester over 99 percent of the CO 2 emissions ( Scope 1 ) associated with natural gas . This effectively allows the plant to operate in a carbonneutral manner . However , for these fuels to be truly blue , we must also account for Scope 2 emissions – leaks that can occur as the natural gas is transported via pipeline to the plant . Some wellheads may experience methane leakage , contributing to emissions . To address this , we advocate that clients engage in blue hydrogen and ammonia production work with their natural gas suppliers to certify the well and implement measures to minimize emissions .
Our goal is to advocate for the energy transition .....
“ We have a valuable partnership with Fidelis H2 , which brings additional technology to the table , specifically designed to reduce carbon intensity beyond the plant ’ s core processes . The Topsoe-licensed plant itself , known as Inside the Battery Limit ( ISBL ), represents the heart of the operation . It encompasses the essential components and processes . On the other hand , Outside the Battery Limit ( OSBL ) refers to the peripheral elements such as cooling towers , wastewater systems , control rooms , and other ancillary equipment we need to run the plant . By implementing Fidelis H2 technology within the OSBL , we can effectively lower the carbon intensity score for both the ISBL and the OSBL , and thus offsetting the Scope 2 emissions originating from the wellhead . By doing so , we are able to produce ammonia and hydrogen that are carbon neutral ,” he enlightens .
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