North American Executive Issue 101 2024 | Page 83

“ Our goal is to advocate for the energy transition while recognizing the continued importance of fossil fuels in our daily lives . Most of the products we use , from clothing to electronics to medicines , are derived from fossil fuels . While green alternatives can substitute them , it will take time to transition fully . We are ready to do our part step by step and are expanding our workforce to meet the rising demand . Fortunately , the demand curve is steep but manageable , allowing us to maintain control over the resources at our disposal and meet the demand ,” he adds .
Promising approach
As his finishing thought , Henrik shares his opinion on businesses predominantly focused on the fossil fuel sector who may be skeptical about the energy transition . “ It is important to recognize that the energy transition is neither a competition nor a binary choice between green or fossil . A diversified energy mix is essential as we move forward . As a global community we are heavy consumers of energy , and we cannot ignore the integral role of the fossil
fuel industry in our lives today . However , the use of blue H2 in the production of fossil fuels will significantly reduce the carbon footprint of the fossil fuels . To further reduce the carbon footprint of fossil fuels a promising approach is direct air capture ( DAC ), which involves extracting CO 2 directly from the air and then sequestrating it or using it for fuel production . By offsetting fossil fuel emissions with the use of blue H2 and CO 2 extraction , we can maintain current CO 2 levels while supporting developing countries who are forced to rely solely on fossil fuels . While this is not a green solution per se , it fits into the circular economy agenda as we transition to more blue and green fuels over the year to come ,” he ends .
Through perseverance and partnership , Topsoe is poised to realize its expansive vision of global decarbonization through accessible blue fuels production today and green solutions in the long run . ■
www . topsoe . com
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