North American Executive Issue 101 2024 | Page 41


Talk it through

Why dialogue is essential for functional conflict By David Liddle

Conflict is one of the most profoundly powerful phenomena that a human being can experience . It can define our relationships with others and our relationship with the world around us . When managed well , conflict can provide the tools we need to foster stronger relationships and to engender higher performing workplaces .

The problem is that for very many of us that is not the case . For example , employees in United States companies spend approximately 2.8 hours each week involved in toxic conflict . This amounts to around $ 359 billion in hours paid that are filled with managing conflict instead of positive productivity .
It is clear to me – having spent the past 30 years as a leader , mediator , trainer , coach and culture change consultant – that it is not conflict that is the problem . The problem is the way we manage it .
The need to disagree better has never been greater
There are two types of conflict – only one of which is damaging and harmful . Ultimately an office full of robots won ’ t experience conflict but conversely won ’ t display high levels of innovation , insight , and judgement . When they experience functional conflict , parties are engaged in constructive engagement and dialogue . They are focused on achieving an outcome that is mutually acceptable . This type of conflict is a normal part of a thriving organization and can help you to push forward strategy and develop more effective , productive teams .
Unfortunately , dysfunctional conflict is the type of destructive conflict most widely seen within our organizations . This kind of conflict is clearly bad for business , but also damaging for anyone involved . Dysfunctional conflict generates little , if any , benefits for parties , their colleagues , or organizations .
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