North American Executive Issue 101 2024 | Page 42

If left unresolved , dysfunctional conflict will have a significant cost and an adverse impact on employees ’ psychological , emotional , and physiological wellbeing .
How can leaders turn destructive conflict into constructive dialogue ?
The key to building a positive workplace culture which transforms conflict from dysfunctional to functional is to find a shared meaning , a shared solution , and a way forward together , with dialogue at the heart .
Two of the biggest barriers organizations face when managing conflict are a lack of understanding of what conflict is and a fear of it . As a leader or a manager , you can make it less daunting for the parties by understanding that every conflict has a clear life cycle . Each stage of the conflict presents an opportunity for resolution , or the risk of escalation .
These stages are :
1 ) The pre-conflict stage . Conflict is predictable , and organizations and their employees benefit by anticipating it and putting plans in place to nip it in the bud . 2 ) The early conflict stage . Early warning signs include hostility and aggression , reduced communication , inappropriate behaviors and attempts to isolate one another . Use coaching skills to understand the concerns .
3 ) The mid-conflict stage . Often this is a challenging period for managers and HR and is typified by increased grievances , allegations and absences and stress for all parties .
4 ) The late stage conflict . Conflict erupts and becomes all consuming . Conflict can slowly ‘ eat away ’ to such a great extent that a previously well performing team begins to implode .
5 ) The post-conflict stage . Taking the time to reflect on the conflict gives everyone the chance to explore what they have learnt and what changes they will make going forward .
Resolve conflict early with open dialogue
I work with many leaders and managers who are learning how to transform conflict from dysfunctional to functional as early as possible in the conflict process : ideally at stages one or two . They use their coaching , mediation and listening skills to promote adult-to-adult dialogue and they encourage employees to engage in dialogue at an early stage as a cultural norm . This can be done with an informal early resolution meeting , where parties are encouraged to talk and listen to each other in a private space .
That is not to say conflict can ’ t be resolved at stages three and four . Of course , it can and processes such as independent mediation can be incredibly effective – I explain these below . However , my experience has led me to believe that the more done to manage conflict at an early stage , the less negative the impact .
It goes without saying that this isn ’ t rocket science ! However over recent years I have observed fear creeping in that has inhibited such face-to-face dialogue .
Other routes to resolution
There may be times when a conflict has already moved into stage three or four , or issues are far too complex for an early resolution meeting . What I call a ‘ resolution triage assessment ’ can examine the seriousness of the issues being raised from the outset , the impact on parties , desired outcomes and previous attempts to resolve the situation .
Following a triage there are a wide range of conflict management processes that can be used to facilitate resolution , and these approaches from what I call the ‘ resolution spectrum ’ range from informal ( an early resolution meeting ) to formal ( litigation ). Steps in between include a facilitated roundtable conversation , mediation , investigation , or a formal resolution meeting .
Each approach on its own is powerful , however when combined as part of an